Bissell Steam Mop Review

Review of Bissell Steam Mop

If you are looking for a way to “green” clean your hard surface floors, this might be the tool to add to your cleaning equipment.

The Bissell model 1867-7 is a steam mop that cleans your hardwood, tile, laminate and other hard flooring with just the power of steam.

Lightweight and easy to use, the Bissell Steam mop weighs about 9 pounds.

The Steam Mop Floor Cleaner 1867-7 is available from internet retailers from about $80. It comes with a 1 year warranty.

Bissell Hard Floor Cleaner Features

  • 360 Degree Swivel Head
  • Chemical Free Cleaning
  • Large Reservoir
  • Fast Heat Up Time

360 Degree Swivel Head

With a head that swivels a full 360 degrees, the Bissell steam mop reaches hard to get to areas easily.

This mop is great for getting typically tough areas such as around toilet bases.

Chemical Free Cleaning

If you or any one in your family is sensitive to chemical smells or odors, the 1867-7 might be a useful addition to your cleaning equipment.

Using only odorless steam as the cleaning agent, it can power away sticky messes with ease.

Large Reservoir

The 1867-7 is equipped with a 17.5 ounce reservoir which provides about 15 minutes of cleaning time.

Steam is released on demand, by depressing the trigger while sweeping the mop over your floors.

Fast Heat Up Time

In about 30 seconds after turning the mop on, the mop is ready to take on your floors.

If you can’t get your cleaning done in about 15 minutes or so, you’ll run out of steam, but this isn’t a serious problem, because it only takes another few seconds to refill the tank, and convert water to steam.

The Bissell 1867-7 also has an indicator light that alerts you when it is ready to use.

Bissell Hard Floor Cleaner Recommendations


The majority of users’ who purchased this model were very satisfied with it. Users liked how it heats up for quick use, and is sturdily built.

Many users commented they thought their floors were pretty clean before they tried the mop, but found out after mopping and looking at the pad that they weren’t so clean after all.


There were a few negative points brought up – one area of concern was the trigger on the mop.

Some users liked the fact that they had finger tip control over how much and when steam was released, but other users mentioned that this caused fatigue.

Another fairly common complaint was the length of the cord being relatively short at just 18 feet.

There were some that complained the mop left their floors too wet. It didn’t seem to matter how little they pulled the trigger, they still ended up with floors that needed to be dried after mopping.

The other main complaint with the Bissell 1867-7 is it can only sanitize surfaces if left in place steaming for 15 seconds.

The 1867-7 has a relatively low steam temperature, at about 125 degrees.

If you are looking to kill germs, bacteria or dust mites, this mop probably doesn’t get hot enough to effectively do that task.