Kitchen Cleaning Tips

5 Effective Ways to Clean the Kitchen

Tips for Keeping the Kitchen Clean and Fresh. 5 Effective Ways to Clean the Kitchen What are 5 effective ways to clean the kitchen? For all the time we spend cleaning around the house, have you ever wondered if there is something you can do differently...
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An Introduction to Food and Expiration Dates

An Introduction to Expiration Dates and Food.Food and Expiration Dates, What Do They Mean? Are you someone who diligently watches the expiration dates on food and other products you have in the house for the safety of your family? It’s OK if you do but - do...
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Cleaning & Polishing Stainless Steel Appliances

How to Clean and Polish Stainless Steel.Cleaning Stainless Steel Appliances Stainless steel appliances are very popular in homes today where years ago, they were only found in commercial and industrial kitchens. Stainless steel appliances are sleek and beautiful – and have you noticed – they are hardly...
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Cleaning a Coffee Pot with Vinegar

How to Clean a Coffee Pot with Vinegar A coffee pot that’s not been cleaned makes coffee that doesn’t taste good. Coffee will start to taste bitter, flat or "off" when mineral deposits build up and the oils naturally present in the coffee beans go bad. The oils get in...
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Cleaning and Sanitizing the Kitchen

Cleaning and Sanitizing Your Kitchen. The Dirty Truth about Cleaning and Sanitizing your Kitchen Many people try to follow the basics of keeping kitchen germs at bay. Now, I’ll admit that I never gave kitchen sanitation much of a thought – I am already very clean,...
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Cleaning Coffee Maker

Cleaning The Coffee Maker I love my coffee. What I don't love is the off-taste that ruins a good cup of coffee when the machine needs cleaning. There's oil both naturally present in the beans and also added by the coffee makers when they roast the beans that build up...
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Cleaning Dirty Dusty Refrigerator Coils

Cleaning Dirty Dusty Refrigerator Coils Cleaning your refrigerator not one of the most fun cleaning jobs. But, it is a necessary one if you want to keep your refrigerator running at peak performance. And this is important! A refrigerator that is not running at its best is dangerous and costly....
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Cleaning Kitchen Appliances

How to Clean Kitchen Appliances Cleaning kitchen appliances is necessary when we use one or many on a daily basis. They come into contact with food or hands every day. Quite often we don’t always think about cleaning smaller appliances or even some of our larger appliances until they become...
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Cleaning Kitchen Countertops

Cleaning Kitchen Countertops Your countertop is your workstation. You need the kitchen counters to look good so that when the guests come over, it is spotless. There are plenty of ways a counter top can get stained and grungy looking. Whether you thought of this or not when the kitchen...
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