Bathroom Cleaning Tips
Bathroom Cleaning Tips
Tips for Cleaning the Bathroom.How to Clean the Bathroom Let's face it - when it comes to cleaning bathrooms, most people would rather be doing something else. Cleaning the bathroom can be hard work. Showers, tubs, toilets and sinks oh my! But clean we must to keep...
Bathroom Tile and Grout Cleaning
How to Clean Bathroom Tile and Grout.Cleaning Bathroom Tile and Grout Tile and grout can get really dirty. The bathroom is one of the harder jobs we do when cleaning our homes. Keeping up with cleaning tile walls and scrubbing tile floors can be a nightmare, especially...
Clean and Remove Bathroom Mold and Mildew
Cleaning Mold and Mildew from the Bathroom.Clean and Remove Bathroom Mold & Mildew What is Mold & Mildew? Mold and mildew are fungi that grow in moist and warm environments. Mold and mildew can be identified by their color; either shades of pink, brown or black, that...
Clean your Bathroom like a Professional Cleaner
Quick Bathroom Cleaning Tips Anyone Can Do.Professional Bathroom Cleaning Tips A bathroom isn't just a place where you get clean. It can be a sanctuary where you can soak your troubles away. Big fluffy towels, soft music and perhaps a scented candle means that you can relax....
Cleaning a Shower Drain
Tips for Cleaning the Shower Drain.How to Clean the Shower Drain If you have ever had the unfortunate experience of standing in several inches of cloudy, soapy, water while taking a shower (and who hasn't?) you know that it’s time to clean the shower drain. Clogged shower...
Cleaning and Removing Stains from Grout
How to Clean and Remove Grout Stains.Cleaning and Removing Grout Stains Grout stains are hidden behind many a fancy shower curtain. It reminds me of the Wizard of OZ…"pay no attention to the mold... behind the curtain" (That's a house cleaner joke, of course!) I’ve noticed...
Cleaning Bathroom Floor Tile
How to Clean Floor Tiles in the Bathroom.Cleaning Bathroom Floor Tiles Of all the rooms in my house, I find the bathroom the least appealing to clean. My white tile floors show every last bit of hair and dirt that seem to cling to everything. Of course,...
Cleaning Bathroom Tile and Removing Stains from Grout
How to Clean and Remove Stains from Grout.Cleaning Bathroom Tile and Removing Stains from Grout How can this be? I have dirty tile and mold and mildew stains on my grout. This slow moving process of grime accumulation snuck up on me- it's not really my fault!...
Cleaning Germs and Bacteria in the Bathroom
What Germs and Bacteria are Lurking in Your Bathroom. Does Your Bathroom Harbor Germs and Bacteria The fact is, the bathroom harbors germs, and they are everywhere. I mean our bodies carry germs; I think I’m a pretty clean person but germs cannot be avoided. In...