5 Tips for Staying Organized

How to Get Organized.
Tips on How to Get Organized
Self-organizing is fostered by self-discipline. Getting organized and being disciplined can be a hard act to live up to, but not impossible.
In the world we live in today, the pace of life is so quick there’s barely enough time for a greeting. But don’t worry, with a bit of discipline and a little determination, you can turn the chaos around.
It is entirely possible to be organized!
Make Specific and Obtainable Goals
Effective goal setting methods need to be put in place. This step is especially important for those who tend to get discouraged when organizing. Goals give us something to strive for and ultimately be proud of once progress is made.
We are responsible for our own organization and keeping our personal space clean. We can cultivate habits that encourage self-discipline.
Don’t set unreachable goals. Never quit and don’t give up! Throwing in the towel is not an option.
Some Obtainable Goals to Think About
- When you first start out with organizing, avoid creating lists that are long. The goal is to see light at the end of the tunnel, not getting yourself frustrated, you want to be successful. Start with organizing just one room at a time and build on that.
- Be clear. What is the goal for each room you need to organize? Write it down and be clear so you don’t end up scratching your head thinking to yourself, “what did I mean when I wrote this down?” or “what was I thinking?”
- There are many things that can get us off track and put our focus in an entirely different direction. Be sure to allocate enough time to get the job done. This will make it easier to stay on the task at hand and not get sidetracked or distracted! Of course there are some interruptions that can’t be helped, just keep in mind the goal of finishing what you started.
- Pencil in the day and time of day you are giving yourself for each organizing goal you’re setting. Put this in your day planner, calendar, and phone – whatever you use as a reminder.
Be Committed to Your Plan
Set a reasonable and achievable goal for yourself and make sure to take into consideration what you already have scheduled, don’t set yourself up for failure before you’ve even begun by double booking yourself and cutting yourself short.
When you make a plan, be committed to it. A phone call from a friend wanting to go out and have fun can’t get in your way of the goal you’ve set for yourself. If your friends and family are supportive, they will encourage you not to give up.
Success is the result of long-term planning and daily action. To stay organized, focus on what’s important and remind yourself of the long-term goals and revise them as needed, life changes so change with it.
Cultivate Good Habits
Bad habits are hard to break – so are good ones if they are well learned. Keep up your lists and scheduling time for the goals you make. Be consistent with good practices – when you walk into a room, pick up the obvious clutter and either put it away or throw it away. When you leave the room, do the same – stack magazines neatly, straighten books in the book case, etc. Remember, a clean and organized space is a canvas for productivity and peace.
Don’t Procrastinate
Alright, you’ve set your organizing goals now practice some of that self-discipline I know you all have. Have faith and don’t doubt that you can keep this up. Because you can! Removing as much clutter from your life as possible creates an environment where you are able to focus on the important things. There really is “a place for everything and everything in its place”.
Having a clean and organized home is just as important as being a successful businessperson. You can’t de-stress from your hectic day or get up feeling fresh in the morning if you’re tripping over piles of papers, clothes, and other things.
Use your good habits to stay organized.
A Little Positive Thinking Goes a Long Way
Be true to yourself. Work daily on honing good habits until they become routine. Finally, you won’t even be conscious of your organizing abilities until that day comes when someone says, “I envy you so! You are so organized!” Believe it … it will happen!
Utilize the Power of Positive Thinking
- I will stay organized.
- I am successful.
- I will accomplish my goals.
- I will be realistic.
Good Behavior Deserves a Reward
Celebrate your victories, no matter how small. Treat yourself to a well-deserved reward. A day of self-care or a shopping spree with a friend is the perfect way to acknowledge your hard work. Remember, you’re not just organizing, you’re triumphing.
Transformation takes time. Embrace the journey and don’t expect perfection overnight. Keep pushing forward and one day you’ll look around and marvel at the organized order you created. Your space will reflect not just a clean environment, but a testament to your commitment and discipline. You’ve got this!