KleenJet Pro Steam Cleaner Review

Review of KleenJet Pro Steam Cleaner Plus

Manufactured by Daimer Industries, the KleenJet 300CS is a portable vapor steam cleaner used primarily for residential use or light commercial use.

The KleenJet 300 CS is priced from about $1094.00

The boiler on the 300CS has a lifetime warranty, and the rest of the system has a 1 year warranty on parts and labor, and a 3 year warranty on parts.

KleenJet 300CS Features

  • Continuous refill tank
  • Replaceable heating element
  • Variable pressure dial
  • Stainless steel cover

Continuous Refill Tank

With many vapor steamers, you have a limited supply of steam. After your initial supply of water has been converted to steam, you have to shut the machine down for a certain amount of time before you can continue with your cleaning. Not so with the 300CS.

It has a continuous refill tank that enables you to have non-stop cleaning. Machines that don’t have this feature require shutdown, refill, and reheat. The continuous refill feature is a time saving for the operator.

Replaceable Heating Element

The KleenJet 300 CS is manufactured to have a long life span. The heating element is easily replaced, so if it burns out, you can easily replace it, much like the heating element on a stove. This is a cost savings device for the owner; it is much cheaper to replace the element than to replace the boiler.

Variable Pressure Dial

The KleenJet has a variable pressure dial, meaning with a turn of a dial, you can turn the pressure of the steam up or down, depending on your cleaning needs.

Stainless Steel Cover

This is an important feature. Stainless steel makes this unit practically indestructible. Stainless steel is resistant to rust and heats quickly.

KleenJet 300CS Recommendations

This is a vapor steam cleaner that heats up to 310 degrees Fahrenheit in about 15 minutes. It provides vapor pressure up to 75 psi to tackle your tough cleaning jobs. Like other vapor steam cleaners, this system requires water only, no harsh cleaning chemicals, to clean and disinfect surfaces. With temperatures up to 310 F, grease, oil and fats melt away. The KleenJet ProPlus 300CS is recommended for use on removing stains from hard surfaces, and for spot cleaning carpets, upholstery, and vehicle interiors.

One reviewer wrote that the accessories were professional looking and professional functioning. He also wrote that because of the continuous steam feature, he got his large job done in one day. Another reviewer wrote in to say that they used the cleaner to remove old adhesive holding a tile floor on concrete. They’d tried a solvent remover that they let soak for 30 minutes, and then tried to scrape the adhesive off. This was a slow painful process. They then got out the 300CS, and removed all glue residues fast, without using any harsh chemicals.

Another reviewer commented on the thoughtful design of the 300CS. She liked the swivel action on the brushes because you could get the steam where you needed it. She also liked the long 10 foot hose – it made maneuverability easy.

Because you aren’t using harsh chemicals, the steamer is safe for use around pets, and is safe to use on some surfaces that won’t tolerate chemical cleaners, such as marble floors or counters. One reviewer said he didn’t find the 300CS powerful enough. He also said the steam seemed really wet, and that the steamer gave off an unpleasant odor.

Overall the good comments outweighed the bad, and this seems like a well constructed product with a good warranty.