Eliminate Musty Mildew Odors from Laundry Left in the Washer

How to Get Rid of Stinky Odors When you Forget About Clothes in the Washer.
How to Remove Odors from Clothing Left in the Washing Machine
Did you forget a load of laundry in the washer the other day and completely forgot about it? Don’t feel bad; you’re not alone. We’ve all had to eliminate musty mildew odors from laundry we left in the washer at one time or another.
The unfortunate thing about leaving wet clothes in the washing machine too long is that they can develop a musty, mildewy smell that permeates most fabrics and doesn’t always go away easily, no matter how many scented dryer sheets you use.
Depending on how long the clothes were left in the washing machine, chances are, when you take the clothes out of the dryer, your laundry will still smell like mildew, even with all those dryer sheets.
Here are a few tips to help remove the mildew smell from your fabrics:
Eliminate Musty Mildew Odors from Laundry Using White Vinegar
If you’re looking for a natural way to remove odors from your clothes with fewer chemicals, try using white vinegar. I love vinegar and always keep plenty in my pantry because it’s so versatile.
The amount of vinegar you use depends on the strength of the mildew smell. For a normal load, start with 1/2 cup of vinegar. For stronger smells, increase to 1 cup.
Add the vinegar to the washer as the water is filling, then add your laundry detergent and clothes. Wash on a shorter cycle.
Not only will vinegar help remove odors from clothing left in the washing machine, but it will also soften your clothes.
Naturally Remove Mildew Odors from Laundry with Baking Soda
Baking soda is another common household item that most of us already have in our kitchens, and it’s an excellent deodorizer. I always keep plenty of it in my pantry because it’s so useful for various purposes.
If the mildew smell is still lingering on your clothes after washing them with white vinegar, try washing them again using 1 cup of baking soda. Baking soda is highly effective at cutting through stubborn odors and will help to neutralize the smell.
Additionally, it has the added benefit of brightening your clothes, making them look fresher and cleaner. Just add the baking soda to your regular wash cycle and let it work its magic.
Using 20 Mule Team Borax to Eliminate Mildew Odors
Another option that can help remove odors is to add 20 Mule Team Borax in addition to your regular detergent. Borax can deodorize and freshen your laundry, just add 1/2 cup or follow the instructions on the back of the box.
If necessary, repeat the steps above if necessary.
The best way to prevent your clothes from smelling like mold or mildew is to transfer them to the dryer as soon as possible.