Stain Removal Tips
Removing Pet Urine Stains
Pet And Urine Stain Removal Removing Urine Stains and Spots On Carpets and Clothing Though not the most pleasant of substances to think about, it's surprising easy to remove. Urine contains various chemicals including uric acid. Most components of urine can be washed away in the normal course of laundering....
Removing Red Wine Stains
Tips For Removing and Cleaning Red Wine Stains How To Remove Red Wine Stains You thought it would be nice to have a nice, formal dinner and within minutes you have a red wine stain. It is true that any product that has a red dye in it is one...
Removing Rust Stains
Tips On Removing Rust Stains How To Remove Rust Stains Rusty iron stains have been a real problem with laundry since man began wearing coverings of woven fabric rather than animal skins. That is, they were problems when man began wanting to wear clean garments rather than old, dirty, and...
Removing Stains
Tips To Learn How To Remove Stains How To Remove Stains To remove stain throughout your home, you need to do several things. It is very important to take the time to remove stains effectively. You should work on doing this so that the items that you have last longer....
Removing Stains from Concrete
How to Remove Stains from Concrete Concrete stains can be tricky to remove because of how much wear and tear areas like garage floors, patios, and driveways endure. Plus, concrete is porous, so it absorbs almost anything it comes in contact with. However, the good news is that removing stains...
Removing Stains Tips
Tips For Removing Stains How To Remove Stains Quickly and Easily Ok, let’s face it. Almost everyone has gotten a stain on their carpet and didn’t have a clue on how to remove it. They may have tried applying laundry detergent to their stain or perhaps tried adding vinegar to...
Removing Sweat, Antiperspirant and Deodorant Stains
Removing Stains Caused by Sweat and Deodorant. How to Remove Sweat / Perspiration / Deodorant and Antiperspirant Stains "Don’t pet the sweaty things, and don’t sweat the petty things." That's a funny saying but, like it or not, sweating is a necessary part of living –...
Removing Tea and Coffee Stains
Coffee Stains and Tea Stains Removing Coffee and Tea Stains Like most out there, you probably have a cup of coffee each morning for breakfast. Or, perhaps you enjoy your tea. How many times have you spilled that drink on your work clothing or your professional suit? You have no...
Removing Water-Based and Permanent Ink Stains
How to Remove Ink Stains Removing Ink Stains Removing water-based and permanent ink stains can be incredibly frustrating, especially when they appear on your favorite or most expensive items. Pens have a knack for leaking at the worst possible moments, leaving behind ink stains that seem...