Bathroom Cleaning Tips

Bathroom Cleaning Tips for Ceramic Tiles.

How to Clean Ceramic Tiles in the Bathroom

Bathroom Tips – Cleaning Ceramic Tiles Ceramic tiles are beautiful and are a common material used in bathrooms. Ceramic tiles are composed of clay, minerals and water, which are shaped into an object and then fired in a kiln until solid. When we remodeled one of our bathrooms, we chose ceramic tile for the floor…

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Stacks of Soap and How to Clean Soap Scum.

How to Remove Soap Scum

Soap Scum Removal Cleaning Tips Soap scum is a combination of minerals in the water, body oils combined with the bar soap many of us use. Soap scum is the film left behind once we are finished showering or bathing. It’s a dirty gray film left in the bathtub or shower that builds up over…

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Two Bars of Soapy Soap That Leave Soap Scum in the Bathtub and Shower.

The Best Way to Remove Soap Scum

How to Clean and Remove Soap Scum Talk about ruining my bath! There’s nothing I find less relaxing in the bathtub than that dreaded ring around the tub called soap scum. Soap scum builds up, shower after shower and bath after bath. The longer the cleaning is delayed the more difficult soap scum is to…

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Brightly Lit Bathroom Shower with Clean Shower Curtain Liner.

Washing the Shower Curtain Liner

How to Wash and Revitalize Fabric, Plastic and Vinyl Shower Curtain Liners Maintaining a clean bathroom involves more than just scrubbing surfaces and floors; it also requires attention to often overlooked items, such as the washing your fabric, plastic or vinyl shower curtain liner. Neglecting this essential part of the bathroom can result in a…

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Keeping the Bathroom Clean Like a Professional.

Clean your Bathroom like a Professional Cleaner

Professional Bathroom Cleaning Tips A bathroom isn’t just a place where you get clean. It can be a sanctuary where you can soak your troubles away. Big fluffy towels, soft music and perhaps a scented candle means that you can relax. But not if your bathroom is dirty! Cleaning a dirty bathroom is not something…

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Grout and a Variety of Methods for Cleaning Grout.

How to Clean Mold in Tile Grout

How to Clean Grout and Remove Mold & Mildew Stains Everybody enjoys a fun-filled day of cleaning moldy, mildewy grout. Not! This has to be one of the most tedious and time-consuming household chores ever. Although the actual job is a pain, it really does need to be done on occasion and that’s why we…

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The Basics of a Clean Bathroom.

The Basics of Bathroom Cleaning

How to Clean the Bathroom When I once moved into a forty-year-old apartment building, along with its forty-year-old bathroom, I learned how gross a dirty bathroom can truly be and the bacteria that came along with it. I spent many hours trying to clean the bathroom with every commercial cleaner under the sun. I spent…

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A White and Clean Shower.

How to Efficiently Clean the Shower

How to Clean the Shower I consider my shower and bathroom a sanctuary. Taking a long hot shower or a relaxing soak in the tub, where I can finally have a moment to myself, is one of my favorite things to do. But, if the tub/shower was dirty – I just wouldn’t be able to…

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Beautiful Clean Ceramic Tile Bathroom.

Cleaning Mold and Mildew from Bathroom Tile

How to Clean Mold and Mildew from Bathroom Tile Hate to clean the bathroom? Join the crowd! I may be a professional house cleaner, but I don’t like to clean the bathroom either. Cleaning tiles that are covered in soap scum or mold and mildew isn’t anyone’s idea of a good time. But, clean them…

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Bathroom Cleaning Tips.

Easy Step by Step Bathroom Cleaning Tips

Bathroom Cleaning Tips Any type of cleaning is not high on our list of favorite tasks to do and I’d bet that cleaning the bathroom ranks at the very bottom on the list of chores. The bathroom might be out of sight but it cannot be neglected. I have put bathroom cleaning off many times…

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