Crayon Stain Removal

Tips for Removing Crayon Stains
Children love to color and where there are crayons – there are walls with artwork, tables with markings and carpeting with crayon stains.
And, have you ever forgotten to check the kid’s pockets before putting clothes in the wash? I have and maybe you have too. Now you’ve got stains in the laundry as well.
Finding methods to clean crayon stains can make your job less stressful. The fact is, where there are kids, there’s bound to be crayons, and stains as well.
For every type of surface you or your child can get crayon on, there is a good way to remove the markings. We’ll help you get rid of crayon stains from a variety of surfaces, just follow me down the page!
How to Remove Crayon Stains from Fabric
To remove crayon stains from clothing, there are a couple of different methods you can try.
The way I look at it, the garment is almost ready for the clothes I wear for painting or gardening, so I might as well do the best I can to remove the crayon stain completely.
Note: Both methods below say to wash in hot water. If for some reason you’re treating a fabric that will not withstand hot water, then use the hottest temperature the fabric can stand.
Method 1: WD-40, Dishwashing Detergent and Oxyclean
For removing high amounts of crayon, or just a few spots where spot treatment makes more sense.
- Turn the stain upside down on top of white paper towels.
- Spray the back of the stain with WD-40 and allow it to sit for five or so minutes.
- Next, use your liquid dish washing detergent. Apply onto the back of the crayon stain and work into the stain.
- Launder in hot water.
- You can also add Color Safe Oxygen Bleach/Oxyclean to the washing if this is allowed according to the manufacturer’s directions.
- Rinse well and air dry.
Method 2: Using Oxygen Bleach
For treating a whole load of laundry at one time, such as when a piece of crayon goes through the dryer and the whole load has small amounts of color all over it. Crayon can be removed quickly from the entire load using Oxygen Bleach alone (OxyClean). Special thanks to Christina Thompson for emailing me this tip.
- Pre-treat the crayon stain using your usual stain treatment or using full strength liquid laundry detergent. Apply onto the crayon stain back and work into the stain. Allow the pretreatment to sit for about 15 minutes.
- Launder in hot water, using the normal amount of laundry detergent and oxygen bleach (oxy-clean) to the load as per the product manufacturer’s recommendation for the load size.
- Rinse well and air dry to ensure the stain is removed completely.
Removing Crayon Stains from Carpeting and Upholstery
To get rid of crayon from your carpeting or from upholstery, follow the steps we have listed below.
- Use a dull knife to scrape debris off then vacuum up dry particles.
- For any stain that remains, apply WD-40 to the area and let stand for five or so minutes.
- Blot with a clean terry cloth working from the outside of the stain in towards the center. Color will transfer to the cloth so make sure to change areas frequently. Do not scrub hard, you don’t want to damage carpet fibers.
- Reapply WD-40 as needed until the stain has been removed.
- To clean the WD-40 residue from the carpet, wet a clean cloth and apply just a drop of liquid dishwashing detergent, blot the area where the WD-40 was used.
- Rinse thoroughly with cold water using a sponge or a clean cloth.
- Using a dry towel, cover the area and blot up any liquid.
- Vacuum when completely dry.
Remove Crayon Stains from Wood Flooring, Paneling and Other Wood Surfaces
Removing crayon stains from any type of finished wood is easy with this quick method.
- Apply WD – 40 to a hidden area of the wood to test for color fastness. If it wipes clean, move on.
- Apply WD 40 in a light spray over the stained area.
- Use a clean and dry terry cloth to wipe the area clean.
- Reapply as necessary to remove the crayon.
- To wash off oily residue, use a small amount of liquid dishwashing detergent to work into the area.
- Use a soft sponge to work the soap into the wood. Use a circular motion.
- Rinse off the water, using as minimal of an amount as possible.
- Dry with clean terry cloth.
Remove Crayon from Tiles using Goo Gone
When my kids were younger, I remember making dinner and they would come in with color books and crayons in tow to keep me company. It was so thoughtful of them.
Maybe your kids did this too or maybe they were coloring in the bathroom while you were taking a bath? If the crayon extended beyond the page and your tile has been colored on, here is a great method to remove the crayon from the tile.
Before starting, test the Goo Gone in an inconspicuous spot to insure it doesn’t cause any damage. Do not use on unsealed porous tiles (marble, granite, ceramic, concrete).
- If the test is OK, apply Goo Gone to a clean, white cloth and wipe up the crayon mark. Change to a clean place of the cloth as needed.
- Reapply if necessary.
- To remove the remaining oil from the Goo Gone, wash with a small amount of dishwashing detergent on a cleaning rag or sponge.
- Rinse completely then dry.
Cleaning Crayon from Grout
If crayon got on the grout, use WD-40 to remove it, it may take a bit of elbow grease though. To help, use a soft bristled brush to get into the groves and loosen the crayon. Rinse with clean water.
Melted Crayons
Your children left the crayons in the back of the car, under the sun. Crayons were left on the couch or the carpet and the heat from the sun melted them. Can this be removed?
- To remove crayon from these areas after it has been melted, you will want to work quickly. If the crayon is still wet, use a dull knife to carefully scrape up as much as possible. Be sure not to apply a rubbing pressure to the stained area, this will cause the stain to set further.
- If the melted crayon has dried, use a dull knife to scrape anything you can from it and vacuum up the dried pieces.
- Then, add WD-40 to the area and allow it to stand for ten minutes. The WD-40 will penetrate into the crayon and loosen it for you to remove further.
- Use a mild dishwashing detergent (on a damp clean sponge or rag) to carefully work the stain out of the fabric or carpeting. Work in a circular motion working from the outside of the stain into the center. Clean and rinse the sponge or rag as often as needed.
- When the stain is gone, rinse with cold water, dry with a clean towel.
If you have kids, or you’re a grandparent to young children, crayon stain removal is a very important thing to know. We hope these stain removal tips help you to get the crayon stains out!