How to Efficiently Clean the Shower

Regular Cleanings Will Help Keep the Shower Sparkling.
How to Clean the Shower
I consider my shower and bathroom a sanctuary. Taking a long hot shower or a relaxing soak in the tub, where I can finally have a moment to myself, is one of my favorite things to do. But, if the tub/shower was dirty – I just wouldn’t be able to relax.
No one would enjoy a soak or shower if the tub and shower was not clean and since it’s a damp environment, it’s the perfect place for mildew and mold to grow. So, having a clean shower is important and we can help minimize the dirt and grime.
Here are some tips to efficiently clean the shower, glass shower door, and keep the shower tile clean and tub clean.
For Starters
For starters, keep a squeegee in the shower and after every use wipe down the walls, tub sides, floor and shower door (if you have one). Keep a wash cloth or hand towel handy and after you get out, dry off the chrome.
Always keep the fan on while taking a shower and then let it run an additional 20 minutes and leave the door or shower curtain open a few inches so the dampness does not sit and linger in the shower but is allowed to disperse.
How to Efficiently Cleaning the Shower Stall
I keep a spray bottle with white vinegar in the bathroom and every few days prior to getting in the shower, I liberally spray the walls, glass doors and tub area. Then use my brushes to clean and wipe down chrome. Then when I get in the shower, rinse everything off.
Shower stalls that are made of fiberglass or ceramic tile have shiny surfaces. Fiberglass can be cleaned with mild detergents or liquid soaps and non-scratching pads. Scratching pads will mar the surface of fiberglass.
Gray scum or rings in the basin are result of hard water and bar soap. A water softener will remove all the problems of ring formation. Ammonia based sprays, vinegar or baking soda will help remove the soap scum.
How to Clean the Shower Head
Shower heads need to be cleaned fairly often. If the shower head seems like it isn’t spraying enough water, it may be due to hard water, soap scum or rust deposits that can create blockage in the holes the waters passes through.
Try removing the shower head and seeing if there are small deposits in the filter that you can remove. You might be able to remove the deposits by soaking in vinegar for half an hour and cleaning. Spraying the solution inside the head may also do the trick. While you have the shower head off, now is a good time to submerge the entire shower head in white vinegar. Let this sit for about 30 minutes then scrub with an old toothbrush to remove any buildup.
If you have a hand shower that has the dock you can easily use a large bowl filled with white vinegar and then just let it soak in the shower.
Efficiently Removing Soap Scum
Soap scum is difficult to remove. It leaves a white film on the tiles, floors and glass shower doors. If it is possible to change to liquid soaps, it is a better alternative. Changing your soap will reduce the frequency of removing soap scum.
To clean soap scum, get a wet sponge, pour a fair amount of baking soda on the sponge and then scrub. Rinse when done.
You can also try the shampoo you have in the shower. Shampoo is formulated to remove grease, dirt and oils. Just squeeze some on a sponge and clean the glass shower door.
Removing Mold and Mildew
Mildew is a living organism. The black spots around the grout are an indication that the mildew is starting to grow. Mildew will be killed by chlorine based or hydrogen peroxide based solutions. These solutions cut through the mildew and completely overcome it.
You do not need to scratch or rub. One to three applications of mildew solutions may have to be done and you may want to wear a mask and cleaning gloves.
Work in small sections using an old toothbrush, let sit about 30 minutes then rinse with warm water. If you have colored grout you may not want to use anything with bleach.
You can also clean caulking in the same manner.
Cleaning the Shower Curtains and Liners
Most shower curtains and liners can be washed in the washing machine. Just remove them from the rings and wash. For fabric shower curtains, wash as manufacturer recommends as some may need to be washed on a gentle cycle then hang dry.
Wash plastic liners in warm water with a cup of vinegar and your regular laundry detergent. Let hang dry.
We hope you found these tips on how to efficiently clean the shower useful.