How to Get Rid of Bathroom Mold & Mildew

Cleaning Mold and Mildew from the Bathroom.
Clean and Remove Bathroom Mold & Mildew
Mold and mildew are fungi that thrive in moist, warm environments. You can spot them by their pink, brown, or black color, often accompanied by a musty or sour odor. They commonly grow on fabric, wood, sheetrock, paper, and bathroom surfaces where humidity is high.
Everyone deals with mold and mildew at some point, but don’t worry—I have tips to clean it up fast!
Causes of Bathroom Mold & Mildew
Mold and mildew love bathrooms because of the small space, poor air circulation, high humidity, and low lighting. The main causes are:
- Low air circulation
- Poor lighting
- Warm environments
- High humidity
- Damp areas
How to Control Bathroom Mold & Mildew
Reduce Humidity
Steam and moisture make bathrooms ideal for mold growth. Turn on the bathroom fan or open a window to improve air circulation. You can also use air conditioning or heat (season permitting).
Turn on the Lights
Mold and mildew grow less in well-lit areas. Keep your bathroom well-lit to minimize growth.
How to Remove Bathroom Mold & Mildew
Clean the Bathtub/Shower
Regularly scrub the tub and shower to remove body oils and soap scum, which help mold grow. Use a 50/50 bleach and water solution to clean the surfaces, then wipe them dry.
Get Rid of Musty Odor
- Scrub the tub and shower with baking soda or a cleaning abrasive.
- Use bleach or disinfectant to kill germs.
- Spray undiluted vinegar weekly on surfaces to deodorize and prevent future growth.
How to Prevent Mold & Mildew from Coming Back
Use the Fan or Open a Window
Keep air circulating to reduce humidity.
Clean with Bleach
Regularly clean with bleach to kill mold spores.
Clean with Vinegar
Vinegar not only kills mold but also prevents new growth with its mild acidity. Plus, it deodorizes the area.