Stain Removal Tips

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Removing Stains from Concrete

How to Remove Stains from Concrete Concrete stains can be very tough for a couple reasons. First of all, the concrete areas in our homes tend to take a lot of abuse, such as garage floors, patios and driveways. To make matters worse, concrete is a porous substance so it absorbs just about anything that…

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Natural Mold and Mildew Remover

How to Remove Mold and Mildew Naturally Is there a different between mold and mildew? Yes, in fact there is. Mildew is the white fungus that grows on plants. The mildew that normal everyday people refer to is not mildew at all, but just plain old mold. At some point a surface in your home…

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Dried Blood Stain Removal

How to Remove Dried Blood Stains Anyone who has been faced with trying to clean up a dried blood stain knows that it can be very hard stain to remove. Your first inclination might be to use hot water to clean it, but hot water “cooks” the blood and binds it to the fabric. In…

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Rust Stains

Removing Rust Stains Before I became Mrs Clean, my husband and I lived in a home that had cast iron pipes. All of our white clothing became dotted with rust spots. At the time, bleach was the only solution I knew of, and I quickly discovered that bleach did not work for rust stains. I…

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How to Remove Rust from a Variety of Surfaces.

Rust Stain Removal

Removing Rust Stains from a Variety of Surfaces Rust is caused by a chemical reaction of iron with water. When iron or steel gets wet, it reacts with oxygen, causing the iron to oxidize. This oxidization begins to eat away at the iron or steel, creating the rust that causes us so many problems. Rust…

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Remove Barbeque Stain

How To Remove a Barbecue Stain I like a nice barbeque with wood fired meat and yummy salads. Which as you already know can lead to stains. Spilling barbeque sauce on my clothes is one of those things in life that I do too often, even though I’m really careful. I suppose the better the…

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Red Wine Stains

Red Wine Stains Sounds like you had a party. But between you and me, we both know it only takes one brief moment to spill a glass of wine. A glass of red wine is lovely….until you miss your mouth and have to clean up a red wine stain! Whether it’s on the carpet, furniture…

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Guide to Remove and Clean up Stains

Stain Removal Guide and Cleaning Tips

Guide to Remove and Clean Up Stains None of us wakes up in the morning and say to ourselves “I think I need to practice our stain removal skills today”. At least for me, I know that at some point in the day those skills will be put to the test. As soon as I…

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Red Wine Stain Removal

How to Remove a Red Wine Stain I don’t think that there is an adult alive that hasn’t either worn or witnessed someone wearing a sporty, new red wine spot. I doesn’t matter how avant-garde you are or that you are a trend-setter, the look never works. The stain needs to go as quickly as…

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How to Remove Barbeque Sauce Stains

How to Remove Barbecue Sauce Stains Oh, for heaven’s sakes! Your 48 year old husband (five year old son, 75 year old parent) has a giant glop of barbeque sauce right on the front of that new baby blue shirt you got at the expensive store. No, it’s never from the cheap store and the…

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