How to Naturally Remove Mold & Mildew

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Mold and Mildew.

Removing and Preventing Mold and Mildew.

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Mold and Mildew

Thinking about disgusting mold and mildew reminds me of my first apartment way back when. One day I pulled the shower curtain back and noticed this pink colored cast to the shower curtain, bathtub surface and shower walls.

I didn’t know what it was at first because I hadn’t realized that mold came in a rather pretty shade of pastel pink; but once I found out that it was mold, I learned how to get rid of it fast.

For those interested: The color of mold and mildew varies depending on the exact type of organism, the moisture level and the medium it is growing on.

Whether it’s black, green, red, orange, brown, yellow and pink… mold is not pretty…even if it’s pink.

While mold and mildew can be tough to eradicate from your home if it begins to take over, it is possible to remove mold and mildew naturally and easily with the right cleaners and little elbow grease. I’ve got the tried and true methods down pat.

So are you ready to get rid of your mold and mildew then? Let’s get busy cleaning!

Mold and Mildew Spores are Literally Everywhere – Really

No one wants to admit that they might have mold and mildew growing in their bathrooms or under their rugs, but the simple fact is that fungi lurks in every home worldwide. The air we breathe is a virtual jungle of fungal spores. (That’s a tongue twister, but true.)

No matter how clean you may be, if you live on the planet earth, mold and mildew spores are in your house where they have taken hold and will thrive if the environmental conditions allow it.

The only real way to keep mold and mildew completely under control is to control the environment and limit the amount of moisture.

How to Naturally Remove Mold and Mildew, Odor and Spores

Mold thrives in warm, dark and damp places. Once you notice the dark stains of mold and mildew have invaded your space (in your home, basement or garage), the fungi has already had a chance to implant itself in your woodwork, tiles, grout, carpet and more.

Not only can mold and mildew ruin expensive items in your home, it can be harmful. Mold spores can cause cold-like symptoms, allergic reactions and for those that already have respiratory ailments, it can cause breathing issues.

There are several ways to get rid of mold and mildew and I’ll begin with the most natural and least toxic of ways first.

Removing Mold and Mildew with Natural Sunlight and Fresh Air

Don’t discount the natural effects that come from simple sunlight and fresh air. Sunlight and a fresh breeze are about as anti-mold and mildew as it gets because mold and mildew love dark damp areas of stagnate air.

Sunlight and fresh air are especially helpful to clean things that cannot go through a washing machine such as mattresses, books, couches or other furniture including wood tables. Sunlight will also do wonders for drapes and large rugs or delicate fabrics that have mildew odors.

How to Take Advantage of the Sun and Fresh Air

First of all, if you are shaking an area rug, fabric item or even wiping down an item to remove surface mold, it’s best to wear a dust mask to avoid breathing in any dusty debris and mold or mildew spores.

Take the item outside and shake it off then place it in the sun, hang on a clothesline or hang it over the fence – somewhere the sun with be for long hours. The sun’s penetrating rays will work to:

  • sterilize mold and mildew
  • reduce or eliminate any mildew odor
  • lighten mild staining from mold or mildew

The sun will brighten fabric, and it will dry damp items which will allow you to simply brush powdery mold and mildew away.

Using Baking Soda (Alkali & Mild Abrasive) to Clean Mold and Mildew

Baking soda cleans wood, linoleum, tile, glass and sealed surfaces of mold and mildew stains and spores.

Baking soda is a base (alkaline) substance which helps to discourage mold and mildew growth. Baking soda is mildly abrasive, so keep that in mind. Baking soda can scratch delicate surfaces, so be sure to use a soft touch.

Baking Soda Cleaning Solution

  • 1/2 cup of baking soda
  • 1 quart warm water
  • 1 tablespoon mild dish washing liquid (such as Dawn)

Cleaning Steps

  1. Mix the solution thoroughly and apply with a sponge or spray bottle.
  2. Scrub lightly with a green scrubby or soft bristle brush.
  3. Rinse completely.
  4. Towel dry.

Using White Vinegar (Mild Acid, Disinfects & Deodorizes) to Clean Mold and Mildew

Vinegar cleans wood, linoleum, tile, glass and sealed surfaces of mold and mildew stains and spores. Do not use vinegar on natural stone surfaces.

Mold and mildew can’t grow in an acidic environment. Distilled white vinegar is acidic, so it kills mold and mildew by creating a less hospitable environment.

Vinegar is also a natural deodorizer. Whatever surface contained the mold or mildew will not just look better after being cleaned with vinegar, it will smell better too. Just let it dry completely.

The only drawback with vinegar; although it is a disinfectant, it is not an aggressive stain remover. Heavier mold and mildew stains may need further treatment after being cleaned with vinegar.

Vinegar Cleaning Solution

  • 2 cup plain white vinegar
  • 2 cups hot water
  • 1 tablespoon mild dish washing liquid like Dawn

Cleaning Steps

  1. Using a spray bottle and the mixture above, spray on all affected surfaces.
  2. Let stand for 5 to 10 minutes and then wipe down with a damp sponge.
  3. Rinse completely.
  4. Towel dry.

Using Rubbing Alcohol (Solvent and Sterilizer) to Clean Mold and Mildew

Rubbing alcohol (Isopropyl alcohol) cleans wood, linoleum, tile, glass and sealed surfaces of mold and mildew stains and spores. It is a solvent and works well to remove stains from items like fabric and paper and is similar to what dry cleaners use for removing stains. Be sure to test in an inconspicuous place first to make sure fabrics are colorfast.

Rubbing alcohol makes a great mold and mildew remover.

  1. Wet a clean cloth with rubbing alcohol or
  2. Using a spray bottle, spray the stained area.
  3. Dab the area with the cloth, blotting up the darkened area.
  4. This will both clean and disinfect the mold and mildew stained area.

Rubbing alcohol and water (equal parts) used on upholstery can be very effective in ridding furniture of mold and mildew stains.

  1. Start by wetting a clean cloth with the rubbing alcohol.
  2. Be sure to start by using a light touch and dab the area working from the outer stain inwards.
  3. If the stain is stubborn, you can use a soft bristled brush to work the solution in.
  4. Reapply until the mold or mildew stain is removed.

Rubbing alcohol with a higher alcohol content between 60 and 90 percent and less purified water content between 10 – 40 percent, works better as a antimicrobial against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. When the alcohol concentration falls under 50 percent, it’s efficiency for sterilizing and disinfecting drops.

Using Chlorine Bleach to Clean Mold and Mildew

Using a mixture of bleach and water on hard colorfast surfaces can help to eradicate mold and mildew from your home.

Bleach is very effective and is perfect for glass, tile, counters etc. Bleach will remove color, so DO NOT use it on delicate fabric and ALWAYS test in an inconspicuous place first. It is also best to use bleach in a ventilated area.

The easiest method is to use a clean spray bottle and mix ingredients:

  • 1/2 cup Bleach
  • 2 quarts Warm Water
  • 2 tablespoons non-ammonia liquid laundry detergent

Warning: Do Not MIX bleach with ANY other cleaning product unless the manufacturer specifically allows for its use. Bleach can react chemically when combined with other cleaning products and produce toxic gases. Always rinse surfaces completely in between using different cleaning products.

  1. Spray the surface with chlorine bleach.
  2. Allow it to sit for 5 minutes.
  3. Wipe down lightly with a cleaning rag.
  4. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Preventing Mold and Mildew from Coming Back

Clean and Disinfect Regularly

Keep poorly ventilated areas like bathrooms, closets, basement, etc., as clean as possible and disinfect regularly. You can keep the vinegar/water spray bottle in the shower and spray after each use (provided you do not have marble or natural stone). This will inhibit mold growth.

Keep the Humidity Level Low

Mold and mildew thrive in dark, damp areas of the home. Using humidifiers and dehumidifiers in your home is a great way to keep moisture levels at the right percentages (30-50 percent).

Of course, while doing everything to try to prevent the growth of mold and mildew, it may not be possible to keep it from returning 100 percent of the time, especially in certain areas of your home. You may still find it growing in some places, but whenever you do find mildew stains, be sure to attack them quickly.